Artificially Intelligent Blockchain-based unicorn business disruption at scale

We mean Serious Business.

Hyperautomated self-healing social mesh networks

Sustainable zero-trust relationship building

Native multicloud extended reality television

Distributed ledger blockchain-link perimeter

Business at the speed of Technology

Your business. Our technology.

Your time is money. Every dollar you waste running your business is a dollar you could waste on having someone else run your business. Our enterprise-scale Hypercomplected™ technology stack can dramatically increase the cost of running your business in less than seven days guaranteed.

Contact us today to explore how we can DDoS your bottom line.

Up to


Operations and maintenance costs
Up to


Increase in overhead
Up to


100% billable consultants 
Up to

4x ROI

Less than our largest competitor
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TekBro™ market-leading Disruption as a Service (DaaS) platform

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TERRiE™ enterprise-scale automated employee layoff engine

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CDoS™ Centralized Denial of Service security architecture

james AI

James: Natural Intelligence as a Service™ platform

Interweb Empire™

Serious solutions,
Serious Business.

Schedule your consultation today ↗